Currently Browsing: leather

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Seven Levels to Submission…

12 years ago

Tonight I am going to be a bitch by all definitions of the word, and frankly, I’ve never felt sexier.

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Why I Dominate My Husband…

13 years ago

Because nothing gets a pair of shoes or boots cleaner than a man’s tongue!

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Waiting Up for Michelle

14 years ago

Would she be in a playful mood, or would she be in more of a punishing mood?

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Leather Makes the Dominant Woman

14 years ago

All she needed now was a riding crop…

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Head Space

14 years ago

With each pull of the strings at the back of my skull, I find myself being pushed down a bit lower underneath her…

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14 years ago

“That’s it – give those straps a real workout!”

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In Need of Discipline

14 years ago

“This is what happens if you boys don’t learn to obey…”