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Free Stories

Know Your Place

2 years ago

“Kiss the bottom of my shoe and tell me how important your orgasms are…”

Free Stories

Neighborly Bound, Part 1

2 years ago

“So how tight do you want me to lace it?”

Free Stories

Ultimate Quarantine

4 years ago

He couldn’t move a muscle, and every inch of his body was covered by tight latex reinforced by heavy leather bondage…

(for Smutathon 2020)

Free Stories

Fall Fashion Lust

4 years ago

“You know the rules – you start at my feet and earn your way up…”

(for Smutathon 2020)

Free Stories

Locktober Eve

4 years ago

“You’d better hurry up because once the clock strikes midnight, that thing is mine…”

(for Smutathon 2020)

Free Stories

Pumpkin Spice Bondage

4 years ago

“I’ve been saving this for a rainy day, or rather a grumpy day in your case!”

(for Smutathon 2020)

Free Stories

My Pleasure, His Pain

4 years ago

He tells me how much it turns him on to see me prioritizing my pleasure over his pain…

Free Stories

Leather Solitude

5 years ago

Give me the soothing isolation of a tight, leather bondage hood to block out all of the negativity and idiocy of the world…

Free Stories

Club Mephisto – Clamps, Crops, and Spikes (Part 2 of 4)

5 years ago

“I love the look of you when you’re good and bound, my slave…”

(for Smutathon 2019)

Free Stories

Club Mephisto – A Quaint Introduction… (Part 1 of 4)

5 years ago

The couple came to the club for an escape from their everyday lives…

(for Smutathon 2019)

Free Stories

Girls’ Night Out Cuckolding Challenge

5 years ago

Together they had devised a series of increasing naughty tasks and assigned each a point level…

Free Stories

Love Letter to a New Cuckold

5 years ago

I never knew how much I needed to deny you until I had a real man’s cock buried deep inside of me.

Free Stories

Veronica’s Secret Stash

5 years ago

It had been a stressful morning, and she just needed a few minutes for herself.

Free Stories

Quiet Time in Latex

11 years ago

“Can you make it a little tighter, baby?”

Free Stories

The Essay

11 years ago

I want to suffer beneath you, Miss Wolfe…